Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Birthday My Sweet Girl!

It is hard to believe that you are 7 years old today..... I am so proud of the little girl you have grown into! I hope that your birthday weekend celebration was as special to you as is was for me! I love you sweet angel!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

John & Kate....

Until I have eight children and live my life in front of cameras for the whole world to judge me, I will not judge or speculate who is right or wrong in this situation.
I feel that this is a sad story and every one is different.
Who are we to say that one character flaw is worse than another.
Yes, Kate is bossy, but do you have to handle 8 kids at a time? most likely not.
How many times do we get frustrated with our husbands and we only have a few?
I think that this family was doing the best that they can.....
My heart and prayers are with the both of them.
And I only hope that all the viewers of this show will also pray for this family's well being!
SORRY, not trying to offend anyone.This is just my perspective.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Birthday My Love!

God Gave A Gift To The World When You Were Born!

I wish you the happiest of birthdays and many, many more, so that others have time to appreciate you as much as I do!

I am so thankful to have you in my life!

Happy Birthday Joshua Howard!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ebay Finds!!!!

I have just purchased some new items for the baby on Ebay!! I got a great deal on these name brand items!!

Here is my NEW Chicco Stroller! I have done so much research and had it down to this one and another one by Graco. Both are great! I even "test drived" both of them and liked the Chicco one better. So I went to Ebay to see by chance if they had one..... YES THEY DID!!! Although these strollers are expensive, I got it at a very discounted price and HEY I DESERVE IT RIGHT?!?!!

Then I got this Combi bouncer that has music, and three different vibrating speeds! Also got this more that half off!!

Lastly, I got this HANDMADE diaper bag, COURTESY OF MY MOTHER (thanks Mom)!! It's not too girly right??? It is blue and I am the one holding it right?? Oh well I LOVE IT!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I am in PAIN.......................

So the last couple days I have been really enjoying this weather! I rearranged my garage, cleaned out my front flower bed, and planted some new beautiful hastas. BUT, yesterday as I was digging these huge holes to put the hastas in I think I may have pulled a muscle in my stomach.
Last night I was in so much pain that I debated going to the hospital three times. Today it has lessened, but still very uncomfortable. I am going to wait till tomorrow and if I am still in a lot of pain I am going to the doctors.
* The baby is moving just fine and no bleeding has occurred, so I think the injury is purely muscular and mine not the baby's.
I will keep you posted.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Sun Is Shining!!

Today is a good day!
Hopefully I can get out and do some gardening today!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I get a TIME OUT!!!

I will have to admit that as parents I believe that we all need a TIME OUT once in a while. I believe I NEED one now. Luckily this weekend is my women's retreat with all my friends from church. YYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! I leave early Friday morning and it will be a weekend of fellowship with other women and hearing God's word, also some shopping!
So my hope for all of you that may need a TIME OUT is that you get your chance soon!