Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pro Active

I have done the complete Pro Active challenge. I have followed the directions completely and have done so for 1 month. I DO NOT SEE ANY CHANGE. To be quite honest I feel it has actually made me have more break outs. I was really crushed because I really thought this was going to be my answer. Clear, beautiful, glowing skin.......... NOPE.
Have any of you tried or use Pro Active? And does it work for you?
Well I am on to my next venture to only using the Dior line of face care. I will use this for 1 month also and see how my skin looks. I will give you an update on my search for the best skin care line for me!


Traci said...

i've used Proactiv for about 10 years and love it.

Unknown said...

IT BURNED IT BURNED IT BURNED!!!! I seriously could not handle how much it hurt my face and it never got rid of my acne.

al said...

i have used it for about a year now and i love it. i did try it once before and hated it. i think my problem was that i wasn't using a good moisturizer with it. i suggest co bigelow no301 from bath and body works. that is what i am using now and it has made a huge difference for me

Lori said...

I tried ProActiv for awhile, and it also made my skin worse. My dermatologist said that it is not for the kind of acne that I have. I guess there are different causes of acne: hormones, bacteria, etc. My acne stems from the fact that my skin does not exfoliate fast enough on its own, so bacteria gets trapped under my skin that does not "shed" the way it's supposed to. Chemical exfoliants have always worked better for me than physical scrubs, which did nothing for my cystic acne. Retin-A has done wonders for my complexion, but I am obviously not using it now that I am pregnant. As soon as this baby is born and I am done breastfeeding, I am going to slather my face in Retin-A. And drink a bottle of wine.

Mickey D. said...

I tried it for a few months and didn't see any big change. But when I stopped using it, my face was even worse than before and the worst it's ever been in my life.

I think it operates under the "gets worse before it gets better" mentality. But I was unwilling to live with the worse part.

I was like you, I thought ProActiv was the answer I was looking for. Not so much. I'm really liking the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit wash, that has really helped me undo what Proactiv has done.

Obviously everyone is different. I guess I'm no Jessica Simpson.

freckleface said...

Yes it worked for me! You have to give any skin treatments time to work. One month generally is not long enough. If you are looking for something to work overnight, there is no such product. I use witch hazel instead of their toner though.