Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Need Your Help AGAIN

So this is Lilly!

I went on Monday and saved her from her demise. I tried and tried to find her a foster home and was unsuccessful, so I took her in myself until she can be adopted out.
The thing is that I took her to my vet to get her immediate medical attention and the bill is outstanding. She will also need to be spayed and some more follow up care. So I am trying to raise funds to help pay for her care. She is on numerous medications, but the good news is that she has no life threatening conditions.
She is SO SWEET and gets along great with other dogs. She has no food aggression at all. Also she loves kids. (she likes me the best though;) So sad that she was going to be euthanized when she really is a great dog!

So I know Ms. BEE put this on her site, but I have to put it on mine also. I am in dire need of some funds. I have used up all of my "extra" stash to pay for what I can and now I need to ask for help.

So it is simple just go the this site then go to the tab that says send funds. Then put this e-mail, then your own and the amount you could donate. (any amount would be appreciated) Then it will take you to a screen that you would fill out your info and then press the orange button on the bottom and your done!
I thank you for taking the time out to read my blog and I thank you in advance for any donations. Every little bit counts!!!!


freckleface said...

You are such a good person! I have saved a dog as it were also. I ended up keeping her. Good Karma!!