Monday, July 28, 2008

3 seconds before........

and my daughter could have been dead.

Although this may have been Gracie's fault, drivers need to STOP driving so fast. Why is everyone in such a hurry?

So let me back pedal here and tell you what happened to my family on Saturday.

Grace asked if she could ride her bike over to her friends house who lives right across the street. Of course I said yes, she does it all the time.

I watched her pedal down the driveway and then I heard it.

A mothers worse nightmare.

The sounds will forever echo in my head.

The screeching of tires, a very load boom, and a scream that makes your heart stop.

I ran down the driveway with adrenalin that was fueling my speed.

I am screaming at the top of my lungs " what happened?", "GRACIE STAY STILL".

I lunged over the curb at an amazing speed and then I felt it as I landed.

The only thing I could think of was " I broke it".

As I lye there holding my child in the middle of the road she is screaming the same thing. It's broke Mommy, It's broke.

I am yelling at all the neighbors who are out of their houses, just looking at us, to call 911.

So at some point I am trying to drag Grace to the curb because I am unable to use one of my legs. Then GOD sent me an angel. A woman I had never met before came to us and was so calming to Gracie. She had her focused and tried to keep her from going into shock. I on the other hand was pretty much in shock all ready. I think my ankle is broke and I am hold my beautiful baby girl who was just in a horrible accident.

What seemed like hours the police, fire truck, and ambulance finally arrived and took Grace and I to the hospital. My Brave Little Girl could only think of the fact that we were taking out first ride in an ambulance TOGETHER. She had everyone smiling.

We both were seen and her injury's are mostly in her muscles. She will be very sore for a few days and unable to walk, but she will make a full recovery.

I didn't brake my ankle, but I have a severe sprain. The pain from it is unbearable at times. I will be on crutches for a couple of weeks, but will also make a full recovery.


I think I may post this sign on my street.


Traci said...


i am so glad that Gracie is OK. i detest drivers who speed thru neighborhoods. it is a HUGE annoyance and pet peeve. Thank god she's OK.

so sorry about your sprained ankle. i hope it heals quickly.

oh, and i think every street with kids needs that sign. :) glad you're all OK!

Ky • said...

Ohmygoodness, Jill.

I am so glad that you BOTH are ok. I can't imagine how terrifying it was for you to hear that, then to see your baby girl.

As TLC said, I am SO glad you're both ok, not withstanding some surface bumps, bruises and sprains.

Unknown said...

I get teary every time I read this. I can't thank God enough that Grace is OK.

Tell me anything you need.

Sarah said...

Wow...that's horrible and scary, and I'm so glad that everyone is okay.

Maybe you can use this to your advantage. Start a petition to get speed bumps put in on your street, or something?

Lori said...

HUGS to you and gratitude to God.

Dri said...

Wow. This post made me tear up.

I am so glad you are both (relatively) okay.

Prayers for quick healing.

Wrestling Kitties said...

Oh my goodness, so scary. I am glad you are both recovering from this and it seems as though you had an angel with you that day.

Hurley said...

Glad that you both are doing well...scarey those kid screams, huh?

Jill Marie said...

Thank you all for your well wishes. Gracie is doind much better, but still hurting pretty bad. I just had a 20lb boot put on that is really hard to drag around. But all in all it is a miracle that she wasn't hurt worse.

I can only thank God for that!

freckleface said...

Thank GOD!

Lurker Girl said...

OMG--as a Mom who has just started letting DD buzz around the neighborhood on her own, I just about threw up.

Thank God you will both be ok and here are prayers for a peedy recovery.

Monica Chadwell said...

Oh Jill! I'm so glad that Gracie is okay. Praise God!! I hope you both get to feeling better soon. Hugs to you.

Malissa said...

i am so glad that you and Gracie are both okay.