Friday, April 11, 2008

Losing A Loved One

How do you handle such a tragedy?
Some people may shut down and close themselves off to others. Some people may turn to anger to help them cope. Others may rejoice in the Lord and know that it is not for them to understand. But all people cope with loss in many different ways. Is any way right or wrong? I don't think there is a certain way for people to handle an unexpected loss, or an expected one.
I do know that life is a precious gift from God, and each day we should treat it as such. Give your friend, child or spouse an extra hug today and always. Say I love you more. Do random acts of kindness when they least expect it. It is our choice how our legacy will be viewed by others and God. Will they remember us as angry? Will they remember us as too busy to call? Will they remember us as working so hard to make a living?
I can only hope that we all take a look at our lives and think " Am I making a living or am I making a LIFE??? Sometimes our lives are cut short, so we need to make our changes NOW not tomorrow.
Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there someone you need to call?? Is there someone you need to apologize to? Do these things, because we are never promised another day.
To my family, friends and readers I Love You All. I wish you an overwhelming amount of happiness. But most of all I wish you the love of the Lord. With him all things are possible!!!!


Hurley said...

You're good people...I sense that...I do!

Jill Marie said...

Thanks Hurley. This felt really good to write. I only hope others take something away from it!

Ky • said...

Very well said, sister.