Friday, November 6, 2009

A post about my Buddies.

Ok.. I am going to totally talk about my breasts for a minute.
I have been told time and time again that the engorging will end. Well I feel as though I am just not getting it right here. I go from not producing enough to producing WAY to much. I am having a day with the latter. I am 2 months in and thought that by now they would know what to do. BUT NO.
Anyway...... This to will pass. I get to feed my baby the best stuff and he seems to be happy and content! ( not to mention growing just fine) He is a big boy!!! Love those rolls on his legs!!
I will be posting some new photos soon! (when I get a free moment!)


Ky • said...

Yay for breastfeeding.
Sorry for the engorgement. That blows.

It really helped me to grasp that breastfeeding is solely a matter of supply and demand. Are you pumping too frequently? In that case, your body will create more milk.

Or, Sammy may be going through a growth spurt...

Unknown said...

I know. It bites. In a couple months you'll be comfortable again.