Sunday, March 30, 2008

Time For a Child

Although I spend most of my days taking care of my children, do I spend enough time with them? I found myself feeling bad that I may not give them all the attention that they deserve. I get so caught up in every day responsibilities that I feel as though I am missing the point. Does it really matter if our house is clean and all our laundry is put away?? Or is more important to get down on the floor and act like a kid yourself? I think the latter.

So this weekend I spent a lot of alone time with my 5 year old daughter Grace. On Saturday we spent the whole day together. We went to see a movie, did makeovers at Dior in Macys (thanks Aunt Nadja), and then went to a garage sale. She said " Mommy this was the best day of my life"!

I almost cried. Really?? Thats all it took??

Kids are such an amazing thing. They make you laugh, cry and get angry all at the same time. I am just so thankful that I have such wonderful children.

So in closing........ Take Time For Your Child!!!


Lori said...

Very nice. My husband and I have an understanding that I am a stay-at-home mom, not a stay-at-home housekeeper. This has eliminated so much stress from my life, with regard to both responsibilities.

yiayia said...


Nadja said...

Gracie Poo will remember days like that, not how clean the house was while she was little. That is why mine is such a disaster area all the time. I don't want to waste a second doing dishes when I could be enjoying Athena's infancy.

Wrestling Kitties said...

Sounds like you have your priorities straight! Glad you both had such a great day together!!

Dri said...

Sounds like Saturday was a wonderful day! I think about this all of the time and hope that my time spent with Little R. isn't just spent "getting stuff done." I'm excited for spring and for the opportunity to get outside and play and everything.

Thanks for the good mommy reminder!

Traci said...

those are the best days, when you just KNOW that you made your kids happy.

that's when you really feel like you've done something important. the laundry can wait.