Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Baby On The Way??

Sibling Issues

This is something I thought about when my second pea was on his way. How was my baby girl ever going to cope with being out of the spot light? Well I thought I would share some great ideas for all of you that may be extending your family!

(Al, thanks for the inspiration!)

Idea # 1

Purchase a doll that can be bathed. Have your child play with it prior to the new baby's arrival. Each night have them assist you in bathing the doll's feet and legs. Then when the baby comes they will be able to be involved in your baby's nightly bath. Always praise them and assure them of what a great help they are to you.

Idea #2

I also let my daughter be very involved with the pregnancy. She was shown and taught each week what was developing on the baby. She also went to the sonogram visit and seen the baby on the "t.v"! Every week that went by in the end she would ask " Is the baby coming out today?" She was filled with anticipation.

Idea #3

No matter how young your child, have him meet the baby in the hospital. "Your being away for the birth might be your child's first long separation from you. Going to see you reduces the scariness. Don't expect too much bonding during the visit; your older child's emotions are sure to be overwhelming and mixed, so just follow his lead and give lots of hugs. Gifts from the baby to the big kid and vice versa will help smooth their first encounter.

And My last bit of advice is:

Once you're all home, you'll inevitably be engrossed in caring for your newborn while trying to meet the needs of your older child -- and wondering how you can survive the whole thing on little sleep. But try to find time every day for just your older child. Leave the baby with Daddy or Grandma while you and your big kid slip out of the house for ice cream or a trip to the playground. Let her know that she is important -- and that she is not replaceable


Nadja said...

Jill, you are an inspiration to anyone having this issue. Grace was so well adjusted when Evan came along. It was amazing!