Wednesday, January 23, 2008

3 Things To Say If Your Kid Bites Another Kid

" We've been trying to get him to stop hitting.

I guess it's working....sort of."

"Well, at least she's had all her shots."

" I'm so sorry. He's teething."


Nadja said...

"Well, maybe your kid shouldn't look so tasty!"

Jill Marie said...

I'm Rolling!! Good One!!!

Al said...

My nephew wore a pin that said "I Bite" People thought it was a joke. It was not.

Iris Took said...

I remember when my sister bit another kid when we were little. My mom's response? She launched my sister into the air and across the yard. This was of course back in the old days of the 80s when corporal punishment was allowed.

PS My sister never bit anyone ever again.

Nadja said...

Corporal punishment worked wonders on us children from the days of old, didn't it??