Do you feel that the age of 28 should be such an issue with weight loss?? I have been going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week for the last 2 months. I have been doing at least 35-45min of cardio and I am up to 3 miles each visit. I also rotate legs and arms with weights, and do abs every time. I SEE NO RESULTS. I mean I feel good and have more energy, but NO weight loss. Well maybe 3 little pounds. Whoopee. When I was younger I could eat the whole Taco Bell menu at 2:00am and wake up in the morning with a FLAT stomach. NOW I live on lettuce, grapes and water (total exaggeration) and workout and I am still overweight. What gives???? Any suggestions on a fool proof way to lose 10 to 15 pounds???
Jerk Chicken Quesadillas
1 week ago
lots of water and no eating after 6:00 pm
If you say that you are overweight one more time...I swear...
Went to the gym this morning, LOST 6 LBS!!! Can't tell but hey thats good for me!!!
I only drink water/coffee
N. - I'm OVERWEIGHT. what cha gonna do, huh huh huh.
Smash you with my bigger self.
The best way to lose weight is count calories and exercise. 40 minutes of cardio is probably the minimum that you want to do, but more imortant than speed, is heart rate. Find out what heart rate you need to be at to cut fat. A big mistake people make is that they do cardio, but not at a pace that sheds weight, but one that tones-they are different. Also, sub elevation on the treadmill for speed, resistance is better than speed. On the eliptical, don't rely so heavy on your arms. Balance diest to include Breakfast: Oatmeal plain, egg whites, fruit, Lunch: Chicken breast and broccoli, Dinner: Chicken/Fish/Fist size steak and veggies. Also remember that the worst thing you can eat is salad dressing. On average it has 12g of fat per tablespoon. AND, don't drink pop, even diet, 8ounces of regular pop has 1/17th of your total calorie intake 4 the day.
Hurly, Are you some kind of personal trainer??? he he... But, thanks for the input!!!
No, but my PT used to be Siren from American Gladiators, and she gave me this food plan and workout regime to follow and it worked really well.
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