Wednesday, December 17, 2008


You Are Dependable and Trustworthy

You approach the holidays with drive and determination.

You're usually the one who does all of the organizing and work.

You love being in charge of Christmas dinner, decorating the tree, and picking out presents.

You know that everything will be perfect, as long as you're the one behind the wheel.

Of all the types, you're the most likely to search far and wide to find the best deal on the gifts you give.

You're also the most likely to have a very detailed system for how you wrap and label presents.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Kids are so funny........

So I tried to explain to my son that Aunt Ky was going to have a baby.

His reply.... " With who?"

So I told him, with Uncle C.

He looked at me and replied

"Fergie has a baby in her belly?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's My Birthday

Today is my 29th birthday. WOW
I have always been the person who hates getting older. This year I am reflecting on what I have accomplished in those years instead of thinking about where all that time has gone!
First I would like to tell you that I am a wife, a mother, a friend, and a daughter. All of these things are an accomplishment of there own. I enjoy being a wonderful wife to my husband. I adore being MOM to Gracie and Evan. I embrace the friendships I have lost and gained in these 29 years, and I absolutely cherish being the daughter of a woman I love and call my best friend.
So Instead of making this day about me. I would like to thank all of you that have been a part of my life. I look forward to building stronger relationships and most of all creating some new ones!
I also would like to thank my Mom for giving birth to me on this day!
Thanks for giving me the ultimate gift!
The gift of life, love, and happiness!